
Mount Holyoke News is an independent student newspaper since 1917, written by and for Mount Holyoke College students. It is a weekly digital publication throughout the academic year.



MHN offers digital advertising. Currently, interest in advertising can be directed to mhnews@mtholyoke.edu for pricing and deadlines. 

MHN reserves the right to refuse submissions on the basis of, but not limited to, advertisements considered to be libelous, obscene, defamatory, or discriminatory. 

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Use link above “Apply to MHN” under “About” or email mhnews@mtholyoke.edu for more information and to apply. 


Publication Guidelines

Mount Holyoke News does not endorse any of the opinions or views expressed within the pages of the paper, excluding staff editorials. 

All content copyright of Mount Holyoke News. All rights reserved. Mount Holyoke News does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or age.