Greta Thunberg

Women Leading Climate Action: Jacinda Ardern Declares New Zealand Climate Emergency

On Dec. 2, at the Parliament House, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern declared a climate emergency. Stating that climate change is “one of the greatest challenges of our time,” Ardern committed the nation to the development of a carbon-neutral government by 2025. Ardern implored the country to act with urgency, confirming that the motion recognizes “the devastating impact that volatile and extreme weather will have on New Zealand and the wellbeing of New Zealanders, on our primary industries, water availability, and public health through flooding, sea-level rise, and wildfire.”

Students rally in Boston in support of climate justice

Students rally in Boston in support of climate justice

It took two buses and three fleet vans to get 100 Mount Holyoke students to downtown Boston as part of the Global Climate Strike on Friday, Sept. 20. “Like every social movement, there is power in numbers,” Gabbi Perry ’22, one of the coordinators, said.