
Identity politics aren’t going anywhere, but political polarization might

Identity politics aren’t going anywhere, but political polarization might

It’s no secret that tensions have been consistently rising in the United States between the two political parties. One explanation often cited for this growing divide is the concept of “identity politics,” where individuals evaluate issues through the lens of their association with a specific group, such as their gender, religion, race and more.

Despite growing popularity, progressive candidates don’t win

Despite growing popularity, progressive candidates don’t win

Medicare for all! Taxing the rich! Green New Deal! Student debt relief! These values are among those heard in the rallying cries of progressive politicians and voters in the 2020 election cycle. However, candidates who espouse these values are vastly underperforming on the national stage.

Crowded Democratic primary race may result in Trump victory

Crowded Democratic primary race may result in Trump victory


The Democratic primary race for the 2020 election is already likely to be the largest in history, according to TIME Magazine. There are currently 12 Democrats who have declared their candidacy and, according to the New York Times, there are 14 more who may declare soon. I believe that the sheer number of candidates will split the Democratic party and allow Donald Trump to win another term as president.