European Union

Unethical Recycling Practices Harm Developing Countries

Unethical Recycling Practices Harm Developing Countries

A while back, I came across an article that shook me to my very core. “Turkey is becoming Europe’s dumping ground,” it said, followed by a gruesome image of a landfill, workers with jaded eyes and threadbare shirts piling the waste into a singular, nauseating heap. They called it “imported trash” — a ghastly hoard of European trash abandoned into once-fertile farmlands.

Data is a human right and should be treated like it

Data is a human right and should be treated like it

n a world increasingly dependent upon social networks, data is bought and sold as one of today’s most prominent commodities. Companies sell user data to other companies without users’ knowledge or consent. Although many claim this is inevitable in the era of data commercialization, we must remember that data privacy is possible.