Never Fear: Pubic Hair


The first time anyone was going to see me naked, I was paralyzed with this decision. I was new to both feminism and porn so I couldn’t decide where my allegiance lay, how much to shave or how to feel about any of it. Am I compromising my beliefs? Will it give me pornstar confidence? But most importantly at the time: is a drug store razor going to do the trick? I shaved it and got as close to an instantaneous yeast infection as a person can get.

Never Fear: History Lessons


Contemporary conversations about birth control, inside and outside of Mount Holyoke, frequently sanitize or ignore its deeply racist history. It’s important to not just think of birth control as an abstract human right, but also as a contextualized practice which continues to be held in the forgotten history of people of color in this country. In order to advocate for access — here’s looking at you, other white democrats! — we blindly celebrate without consideration for the bodies of the past.

Never Fear: Talking Sex


Q: “The sex I’ve been having with my boyfriend is bad, but I really love him and he’s very self-conscious. He’s not selfish just bumbling and awkward in the bedroom. I want to be honest about what I want but I’ve been faking it convincingly for so long I’m worried he will catch on to my lie and feel betrayed. What should I do?”

Never Fear: Ask


As someone who works with my brain all day, it can be really scary when my body hurts and I can’t figure out why. “Why can’t I control this? Why is my body falling apart?” I think in a panic at 3 a.m., after googling ‘clitoris pain’ again but this time adding ‘sharp’ and ‘random.’ Luckily, I am blessed with funny, frank and non-judgmental friends. They sit with me while I read forums and tell me about their most unfortunate UTI’s. Moments like these remind me to feel unashamed that I can’t control the most vulnerable parts of my body.