MERT seeks recognition from the administration

MERT seeks recognition from the administration


“If someone is dying, you’re not going to be telling them molecular equations,” said Maddy Berkowitz-Cerasano ’18, director of the Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT). MERT is a student-run organization consisting of 24 first responders and six certified EMTs. For many volunteers, MERT offers real world experiences, unlike the textbook equations they learn in class. 

Auxiliary Services declares the laundry problems to be resolved

Auxiliary Services declares the laundry problems to be resolved


Since the start of the 2017 fall semester, Mount Holyoke students have been experiencing problems with the dorm laundry, including washers and dryers that shut off at random, bad card reads, money getting lost in transactions and one incident of a smoking washing machine in Prospect. But according to Doug Vanderpoel, director of Auxiliary Services, all these problems may be coming to an end sooner than it seems.

CNN Journalist Tanzina Vega discusses race and media


The Mount Holyoke Weissman Center for Leadership welcomed award-winning journalist Tanzina Vega as part of its “Advocacy and the Public Domain Series” last Thursday. Vega, a visiting professor at Princeton University who specializes in reporting on race, previously worked for The New York Times and now works for CNNMoney. Her lecture “The Media and Race: Why it Matters” discussed her professional experiences as a reporter and as a female journalist of color.

South Hadley golf course remains open despite the financial strain

South Hadley golf course remains open despite the financial strain


The South Hadley Selectboard voted unanimously on Tuesday, Oct. 24 to keep the Ledges Golf Course open for another fiscal year. This decision comes despite a recently released report by Town Administrator Mike Sullivan which concluded that Ledges has lost the town $8.5 million since opening.

Miller Worley responds to report on MHC sustainability


Nancy Apple, Associate Director of Sustainability for the Miller Worley Center for the Environment, and Shannon Seigal ’19, Miller Worley Center for the Environment’s fellow and task force member, met with Mount Holyoke students on Friday, Oct. 27, to discuss draft recommendations in light of a report released by the Sustainability Task Force earlier this month which evaluated Mount Holyoke’s current level of sustainability.