cancer treatment

Customized vaccines may be the next step in treating cancer

Customized vaccines may be the next step in treating cancer

Amidst the maelstrom of novel cancer treatments featured in the news, cancer vaccines have become a rapidly advancing method for preventing, treating and personalizing cancer medicine.

According to the Cancer Research Institute, various cancer vaccines either exist or are currently being tested in clinical trials. However, unlike vaccines for influenza and COVID-19, many of them are not meant to be preventative. Instead, cancer vaccines may help the immune system attack pre-existing cancerous cells based on their specific mutations, making them more of a treatment than a prophylaxis — a measure meant to prevent the spread of disease. 

Research on immunotherapy as cancer treatment continues

Research on immunotherapy as cancer treatment continues

Cancer patients worldwide could soon be offered a new, less painful form of treatment that makes use of the body’s built-in arsenal to combat the disease. Doctors and researchers have been studying the human body’s immune system as a method to treat and prevent serious disease for centuries, but it wasn’t until the development of immunology that immunotherapy could be considered as an alternative to traditional cancer treatments.