Melanie Duronio

Elle Rood '27 brings passion for social justice to class presidency

Elle Rood '27 brings passion for social justice to class presidency

After running a successful campaign that connected with the student body’s desire for progress, Elle Rood ’27 was elected president of the Class of 2027 earlier this month. 

With a wealth of political experience and a desire for change, Rood sees her presidency as “aligning [her] passions of politics and political organizing with [her] purpose of advancing social justice causes.” 

“This was the right place for me”: Danielle R. Holley inaugurated as the College’s 20th president

“This was the right place for me”: Danielle R. Holley inaugurated as the College’s 20th president

With the start of the 2023-24 school year comes a new era for Mount Holyoke College, as President Danielle R. Holley begins her term as the College’s 20th president. Her official inauguration ceremony took place this Thursday, Sept. 21. In an interview with the Mount Holyoke News, Holley spoke on how she hopes to use her education and legal backgrounds to lead Mount Holyoke to a brighter, more progressive future that continues to empower students through their education.

Frances Perkins Scholars share their journeys to Mount Holyoke

Frances Perkins Scholars share their journeys to Mount Holyoke

Students and faculty members alike gathered within Gamble Auditorium for the Frances Perkins Monologues, which returned as the closing event for Mount Holyoke’s annual Building on our Momentum conference on Tuesday, March 28. In honor of the Frances Perkins students’ class color, purple streamers and balloons were placed on either side of the podium, and many FP speakers wore purple outfits to show off their class pride.

Author Sami Schalk speaks at 'Black Disability Politics’ event

Author Sami Schalk speaks at 'Black Disability Politics’ event

Schalk began her presentation with the cover of the May 7, 1977, edition of the Black Panther Party’s newspaper, The Black Panther. It read, “handicapped win demands — end HEW occupation.” Schalk explained that cover stories, like this one, are kept for the most important issues at that moment, showing that the Party believed this sit-in to be a critically important issue directly connected to their work.