Upcoming books

Upcoming mystery novel is set at Mount Holyoke College

Upcoming mystery novel is set at Mount Holyoke College

Mount Holyoke’s campus in the nineteenth century is the setting for the upcoming book “Killingly” by Katharine Beutner, a professor at the College of Wooster in Ohio. Based loosely on true events, the novel follows the search for missing Mount Holyoke student Bertha Mellish. In an interview with Mount Holyoke News, Beutner described “Killingly” as “a queer historical crime novel … It was a time when there was a lot of anxiety in the culture about women’s roles and this idea about the new woman now as an independent, possibly even financially independent, figure.” 

Celebrate Hispanic/Latine Heritage Month with these new and upcoming releases

Celebrate Hispanic/Latine Heritage Month with these new and upcoming releases

Hispanic/Latine Heritage Month takes place each year from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. As readers take this time to reflect on Hispanic/Latine presence in literature, it should be noted that there is a recorded underrepresentation for this demographic across genres.