
UMass launches Living Languages, an international language revitalization journal

UMass launches Living Languages, an international language revitalization journal

Scholars from across the world gathered virtually on Monday, Feb. 21 to celebrate the launch of a new language revitalization journal. The Living Language Journal, a multilingual and open-access resource platformed by ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst, plans to host a variety of academic and non-academic writings centering projects in the emerging field of language revitalization, which aims to re-engage with languages considered endangered by scholars and activists.

UMass hosts "Criminalizing Dissent" resistance panel

The University of Massachusetts at Amherst Fine Arts Center hosted “Criminalizing Dissent: The Attack on BDS and Pro-Palestinian Speech” in conjunction with the nationally-recognized Media Education Foundation and the Resistance Studies Initiative on Nov. 12.