Zowie Banteah Cultural Center

Zowie Banteah Cultural Center hosts documentary screening

Zowie Banteah Cultural Center hosts documentary screening

The documentary “Ohero:kon - Under the Husk: A Native American Rite of Passage,” which was shown on Nov. 28 by the Office of Community and Belonging and the Zowie Banteah Cultural Center, follows two young Mohawk girls, Kaienkwinehtha and Kasennakohe, as they complete their traditional passage rites ceremony and become Mohawk women. The pair live “in the Mohawk Community of Akwesasne,” which is located on what came to be known the U.S. and Canada border. The ceremony takes place over the course of four years and, as the film distributor Vision Maker Media said, “Challenges [the girls] spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. It shapes the women they become.”