Hybrid Classes

For students of nontraditional age, remote learning presents new challenges

J.J. DiPietro left behind a different life when she chose to return to college as a nontraditionally aged student in 2018. She enrolled at Holyoke Community College for two years before moving to South Hadley, MA, and enrolling at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. For DiPietro, the switch to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic was a welcome change. Her two small dogs, privately-owned cleaning business and general responsibilities of being an adult in college all benefited from the extra time spent at home.

In-Person and Hybrid Classes Commence at Mount Holyoke

While the majority of course offerings this spring remain entirely online, Mount Holyoke began some in-person teaching this past week. According to Elizabeth Markovits, associate dean of faculty, the College is offering 17 hybrid courses, four courses with in-person meetings outside of normal hours and 29 that “occasionally” meet in person. Physical education classes, laboratory courses and independent studies also may offer in-person components depending on individual situations.